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Amos 3:3 asks a pertinent question: Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
As couples, there are certain questions we need to ask ourselves as we relate with other people: Is this person accepts me as I am, even when things are bad? Does this person knows me well and likes me anyway? Does he / she knows me intimately and is committed to my best under all circumstances, regardless of the risk to the relationship.

Is the person a trusted confidant to whom I am mutually drawn as a companion, who loves me not for my performance, and whose influence draws me closer to Christ? Answers to the above questions lead to another question, who is a friend?

A friend is someone who challenges us and encourages us to grow spiritually. If our relationship with our friends are just to share jokes and kind words, never see anything wrong with each other or never have anything to say to help each other to grow spiritually, it may just be cover up. There are some people who will only tell you what you want to hear. That type of people will not help you in your growth in all areas of your life. A friend who could help you if both of you are sincere with one another and be truthful to one another.

Whatever I am today apart from God are made possible through some of the friends I have and some from high school and some from college. We are able to tell each other the truth and nothing but the truth but not necessarily what we want to hear. These types of friends are those that can help you to move to the next level.

According to Sabrina D. Black, loving confrontation between friends causes us to lay aside our masks. Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends (Proverbs 27: 17). The phrase; ‘iron sharpen iron’ refers to a friend who can counsel you according to God’s word. So when you think about your friends, ask yourself: does this friendship cause both my friend and I to draw closer to God or draw you afar from God

As Christians we need to carefully consider who our friends are. With whom are you sharing the things that are going on in your marriage? Why are you sharing the things that are going on in your marriage? Is it because he or she will affirms your action or because he / she will give you genuine advice that you may not like but could help you in development. What kind of character do these friends have?

A woman was sharing this story in a book. She said she called her special friend to engage her in conversation. According to her, the friend said she would call her back because she has not spent time with the Lord that day. According to the friend, spending time with God for her is utmost importance and critical. Is spending time with God an utmost importance or engaging in unproductive activity?

It is important to make sure that our friend is someone who is concerned about Godly things – a person who knows the word of God and who will turn to it when you call. Keep in mind that friends are people who should draw you closer to God. Therefore, if they are telling you something that is contrary to the words of God, then they are not really your friends. Don’t make a costly mistake by moving with the wrong crowd, because your friends can make or mar you.

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