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I am 35 years old, married to a man of my age for about ten years now without a baby. In fairness to my husband, he is caring and understanding about our relationship but my in-laws, especially my mother-in-law, is a torn in my flesh. There is nothing that I do that she does not complain about. She complains and calls me names on daily basis. She went to the extent of introducing a lady to my husband but it seems that my husband is not interested in such a prank and foolish talks. I find it difficult to please her or any of his family members. I love my husband and I know that my husband loves me. Do I just pack my load and leave my husband and allow his mother to have her way?

I thank God for your life and that of your husband. What you are going through is not uncommon in African culture since the general assumption is that nine months after marriage, a baby should follow. The reactions of your in-laws are not surprising and it is more or less the rule in that part of the world. Does it make it right? Capital 'NO.'
Malachi 2:16 says that God hates divorce. There is no marriage relationship without challenges or that is problem-free but how we manage the challenges or problems shows the level of our maturity. A good example of a woman who experienced what you are experiencing now is Hannah. In 1 Samuel 1:2-8, the Bible made us to understand that her husband had two wives, which is a problem, and one was having children anytime she wants and the other was barren. The rival kept provoking her but she didn’t lose hope and eventually God answered her prayer. The same God will answer your prayer in Jesus name (Amen).

Childlessness should not and must not be a challenge or a problem for a true child of God. There is no doubt, God has 'appointed time' for each and every one of us. Both in the Bible and in the world today, we have seen couples who waited for two, five, ten, twenty years and more before God answered them, and such children became exceptional children. My family waited for about four years before God answered us. People gave various advices and suggestions but we put our trust in God and He eventually answered us.

My advice for you and your husband is that of you should move closer to God, trust, rely and depend on Him. Various ideas and suggestions will come from relatives, friends and loved ones but please don’t deviate from the path of righteousness. Always rely on the voice of God and at the appointed time, God will surely answer you in Jesus name (Amen). He will surely make a way and bring laughter to your mouth, and very soon, people will rejoice and celebrate with you.

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